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  • Writer's pictureRui Ferreira

3rd Authors' Gala - 2021

First of all, I must say that I am grateful. Grateful for the extraordinary experience that this trip through the world of literature has been.

It's true that, as with everything else in life, there were ups and downs, joys and disappointments, euphoria and disappointment, but it was still worth the learning.

The 3rd Authors' Gala closes a cycle.

It was an honour and a pleasure to be able to be present at the Gala and to have the privilege of giving the prize in the 2021 Romance Category to someone (Elisabete Pinho), who wrote a book that we have already read, it has a very special flavour.

The passage of testimony was perfect and the title of the book itself (After the end) follows the feeling that assaulted my thoughts.

After the end there is a new beginning, there is a new and renewed hope. Soon I plan to share the news that is being prepared.

Looking back, I can only say that I exchanged the awards received for the presence of "Life in a Scar", on any shelf in any bookstore in the country, and especially in any bookstore close to home.

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